How To Choose Bedding For Multiple Sclerosis

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When you think of potential ways to get more comfortable when suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, choosing a certain type of bedding may not be top of mind. But here’s why it matters…

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Needs

MS symptoms such as muscle weakness, fatigue, temperature sensitivity, and mobility issues necessitate a flexible and adaptive home environment, with an emphasis on bedroom comfort and functionality. Here’s a closer look at some important considerations that can help you choose the best bedding for Multiple Sclerosis.

Mattress Selection

  • Adjustable Beds: Beneficial for MS for adjusting bed positioning, aiding in muscle stiffness, and improving circulation.
  • Memory Foam or Latex Mattresses: Provide cushioning that conforms to the body, reducing pressure points and supporting easier movement, similar to considerations for fibromyalgia.

Specialised Bedding Considerations

  • Moisture-Wicking Fabrics: Ideal for managing temperature sensitivity and night sweats, ensuring a comfortable sleep environment.
  • Hypoallergenic Materials: Important for reducing allergen exposure, which can be beneficial for those with MS who may have sensitivities or allergies.
  • Our Little Squiffy Smart Fabric: Incorporating fabrics with advanced technology can offer moisture-wicking, anti-microbial, and hypoallergenic properties, contributing to a cleaner, more comfortable sleep environment.

Pillows and Support

  • Ergonomic and Adjustable Pillows: Provide targeted support and can be adjusted for comfort, aiding in pain and discomfort management.
  • Body Pillows: Support maintaining comfortable sleeping positions, potentially reducing muscle spasms or stiffness, echoing the benefits outlined for fibromyalgia care.

Temperature Control

  • Layered Bedding and Cooling Gel Toppers: Allow for temperature regulation, addressing heat sensitivity issues common in MS, similar to fibromyalgia concerns.

Mobility and Accessibility Enhancements

  • Bed Rails/Handles and Considerate Bed Height: Enhance safety and ease of access, important for both MS and fibromyalgia sufferers.
  • Assistive Devices: Overbed tables and voice-activated technology can offer convenience and autonomy, emphasizing the need for a supportive environment.

Creating a Restful Environment

  • Soothing Aesthetics: Calming colors and minimalistic designs contribute to a peaceful atmosphere, beneficial for managing MS and fibromyalgia symptoms.
  • Minimise Clutter: An organized space can help reduce stress and make navigation easier, crucial for those with mobility issues.


For individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, incorporating bedding and home environment considerations tailored to fibromyalgia offers a comprehensive approach to comfort and support. This combined focus on materials that provide temperature regulation, hypoallergenic properties, and targeted support can significantly improve sleep quality and daily living. By addressing these specific needs, the bedroom can become a more supportive, comfortable, and functional space for those managing MS.